Second to None
Second to None
Second to None
Second to None

Create A Unique Customer Experience For Your Target Customers

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Customer Experience is a large, over-arching term, which can be applied to any aspect of a brand’s identity or platform that contributes to a consumer’s perception of the brand. Typically, when optimizing a CX program, brands focus on service provided by employees within customer interactions, but beyond this integral aspect, there are many determining factors that lead to success. In addition to service, marketing, brick-and-mortar aesthetic, partnerships and other brand identity practices can play a huge role in determining a potential customer’s perception of your organization. However, no organization will be able to please every potential customer out there, so it is important to establish defined parameters for what piece of the pie your brand is trying to target. Each of these slices will interact with an organization in different ways, so it is important that your Customer Experience is intentionally designed to provide the value desired by your target customer base.

Any brand that believes they are marketing to the entire consumer population will wind up wasting resources trying to please everyone, and eventually begin to lose out on the main source of customers that are supporting them. Each individual industry will have certain character traits common to their core customers, and each individual brand within these industries should blatantly define the unique value proposition they are providing to customers. In doing so, organizations should gain insights into the kind of customer segments that best match their product or service, and adjust their Customer Experience to react to the trends displayed by this population.

A lot of the determining factors of finding the right customer segments to target are inherent within an industry or product. For example, an eCommerce website is most likely not targeting elderly consumers, and a Medicaid insurance provider gains no value from widening their reach to the millennial population. While these are common sense examples, it can get more complicated when trying to find the correct niche market compared to like-minded competitors within an industry.

What makes a shopper choose Under Armour over Nike? Why does someone choose to go to Potbellies for lunch instead of Subway? Product quality, price, location and countless factors undoubtedly play a role, but there is a specific value proposition set forth by these kinds of brands meant to attract a certain kind of customer. Figure out WHO your brand is targeting before establishing WHAT kind of experience you are providing.

Understanding your brand’s place in the greater overall picture of the industry you encompass will help to more effectively determine and reach this target base. To accomplish this, brands need to be able to complete accurate self-assessment, most effectively accomplished through programs like mystery shopping or voice of customer surveys. Match these programs with effective competitive benchmarking programs to get the most accurate understanding of your brand’s standing. Measurement is the key to positive change, because without enough reputable data, brands are at risk of investing time and resources in the wrong place. Brands can granulize their marketing factors to a finer degree than ever before. Once brands have established the character traits of this customer base, they now have ability to quantify and specifically target these segments. Apply these measurement programs to your brand, and competitors in your industry, to get a better understanding of the kind of customer that fits correctly in your brand’s strategy.

Second To None empowers customer-centric brands to deliver consistent, intentional and authentic consumer experiences.

We adeptly design and manage mystery shopping, compliance, engagement and voice of customer solutions grounded in strategic relevance, program integrity and actionable insights. Our solutions are developed on the basis of solid research and statistical science. We achieve success through a relentless focus on quality and innovation, consultative relationships and a talented team of professional associates.